Search Engines Have Rules
Search Engines have rules
There are guidelines released and updated by the major search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. They are pretty complicated, when you get down to specifics, but are actually pretty straightforward when it comes to what your website should do.
And it’s not just search engines. It’s any where content can be recorded, linked, shared, touted, tweeted… it’s a lot of work to do it properly. And it needs to be done properly or you may lose all the advantages of SEO, in a blink. You can be penalized for going about your optimization process for search engines, share sites. Penalties can mean that most of your traffic disappears overnight.
This is why we want our clients to know, that we know what we are doing, we will show them what we know to gain their trust and let them do their work while we do ours.
Your website should contain honest straightforward content describing your business, publication and/or industry and the content should be original, interesting and legal.
Any page or website you link to should be relevant, original, interesting and legal also. And any pages or websites that link back to pages on your website should be as well.
So, it’s pretty simple, have quality original content and find a way to connect to sites following the same philosophy.
We can help you do this.