
SEO formula that has always worked

It never hurts to have an expert optimize and submit your website for search engines, particularly Google. Once that is done, as long as you are using a content management system (like WordPress), you can be in charge of your own growth, with the odd top up every 4-6 months from a consultant.

Structured Data

Now, with the emergence of Structured Data, it is more important to have a professional optimize your website

Basic Traffic Formula

The formula for keeping the traffic coming and getting good engagement is the same formula for making your website worth visiting: they come for the content and stay for the value.

content and valueThe more pages of fresh, original and quality content, (whether it is user contributed or owner contributed) the more traffic you are likely to get and the better your website is treated on the search engines.

You Owe Your Visitors a Worthwhile Experience

There is nothing wrong with having multiple sites as long as each website can hold a user’s interest on their own.

For my first website, it was due to being a community website that had engaging community related content – but in other cases it could be that you have a group of websites that may serve similar people, even if they have different purposes.

If you can have your site linked into a larger network of sites that serve a similar audience, you will find that they feed off of each other, and will attract new users from the search engines. When several websites can find unique ways to engage similar groups of people, it is a good plan to support each other with mutual reciprocal linking, as wonderful can then things happen to your traffic.

Today this is even more valuable a process, as everyone’s browsing behaviour is tracked and measured. While there is some privacy protection, search engines know which sites are being visited, and by whom, and classify them accordingly.

Know Your Link Partners

Partnering with a website that shares a similar user base (with strategic, reciprocal linking) doesn’t mean you lose your share of traffic, it should mean that each partner ends up with more traffic and more users by sharing. Traffic breeds more traffic – as long as everything remains fresh.

Also it doesn’t need to be every page, but maybe the home page and a few select pages. It is best to exchange links with significant pages other than just the home page (deep linking).

Bottom Line for Traffic

Fresh, unique and quality content will keep the traffic engine coming. You will hold the attention of more users, and the search engines will give your site more authority – since their priority (as yours should be) is all about the user experience.